Kyle & Alisyn                     

                             Kyle & Alisyn                     

"When Kyle and I got engaged, we knew we wanted to do marriage counseling, but we never imagined how much we would get out of it! After one session with Pastor Earl and Nicole, our relationship grew immensely. We communicated better, loved deeper, and appreciated each other so much more. They were so diligent in getting to know us and who we were as a couple. They challenged us to learn about each other and how to function not only in relationship, but in our relationships with everyone else in our lives. We were so thankful that each time we had an issue or something to discuss, we were constantly pointed back to the Bible. I'm so glad that we did our pre-marriage mentoring through Made For Marriage. It truly strengthened our relationship and future marriage."

                              CJ & Desiree'

                              CJ & Desiree'

CJ - "Made for Marriage not only prepared me as a man, but as a husband. My perspective changed, and now I see the importance of giving up my wants, needs, and the way I speak, to see God glorified through us. It's my honor to reflect Christ to my wife Desiree'. We are going into marriage prepared with wisdom, backed by the word of God. We have great role models in Earl and Nicole . We know that there will be rough patches, but we are reassured that we are not alone. God is with us, and has blessed us with the guidance and love from Made For Marriage."

Des - "If you're like me, you're thinking premarital counseling is you telling the counselor about you feeling and behaviors. Breathe! This is not that kind of counseling. Made For Marriage focuses on God's purpose for marriage and explains His intentions for husband and wife.  I thought we would get a list of do's and don'ts, but that never happened. They paid attention to the details of who we were as individuals and explained to us how that could work for our good in marriage. As a result, I am more understanding, patient, and gracious. We've only been married 2 weeks and have applied what we were taught already. It's in our hearts. We can't be more thankful for the Watson's and their authenticity and loving kindness towards us. With confidence I can say that The Cleveland's are Made For Marriage!"

                            Tamba & Tiffany

                            Tamba & Tiffany

My husband and I have been married for a little over a year now and found that although Christ was the center of our marriage, we were still trying to hold on to the reins when we would disagree with one another. We discussed seeking outside help, not because we thought we weren't strong enough to handle our problems on our own, but because we were strong enough to know we didn't have to. We contacted Made For Marriage and it was nothing short of a miracle what God did just in our first session! Blinders were taken off and the Holy Spirit flowed through the whole mentorship session. We are ecstatic to continue working with Earl & Nicole! They are not only real and down to earth, but they never shy away from the "tough subjects" which is exactly what we needed. If you seem to keep hitting a brick wall in your relationship, or you simply just don't want to get to that point, we HIGHLY recommend seeking out Made For Marriage. Your relationship won't be the same with these two God-centered mentors!!

                             Quinci & Victoria

                             Quinci & Victoria

Earl and Nicole were God sent. After the proposal we knew we needed marriage counseling, and the both of us were lead to Made For Marriage. We loved that there was no session where the presence of God wasn’t invited, it was all about Jesus. Every time we had a question we were lead to the word of God to see what the Word had to say about it. We left being better, wiser, encouraged, and prepared for what was ahead. Not only did we leave being prepared, but also knowing that we could reach out to them even after the marriage counseling was over and they would still be there to help/mentor us on the road ahead. Their authenticity and transparency set the atmosphere for us to freely talk about any topic without judgement. We felt comfortable to just be ourselves. We were pushed and challenged, but in the best way to get us to a deeper place of intimacy with one another and also with God. We’re grateful for their ministry. Our foundation for marriage is stronger because of their mentoring and we’d recommend Made For Marriage to anyone. The Johnson’s were definitely Made For Marriage!

                                  Chris & Dee

                                  Chris & Dee

Before going into marriage we both knew we wanted to do premarital counseling and learn more about what God’s Word said about marriage, and ways to help our relationship grow. We were recommended to Pastor Earl & Mrs. Nicole (Made For Marriage) by a few people so we decided we wanted to meet them. Going into our initial meeting we both had a mixture of feelings and didn’t know what to expect, but after meeting with them we were more than sure that God lead us straight to them and we were anxious to move forward! During our weekly meetings we loved how we were able to be so transparent with them and that they made us feel so comfortable. We could literally talk to them about anything, and with any questions we may have had or any problems we faced they were able to show us the solutions in the Word of God. We can say we became closer to each other and also grew in our relationship with God. We loved how easily accessible they were and have been recommending many couples we know to Made for Marriage. We are so thankful for them and blessed that we have them in our lives, and we believe we are now Made For Marriage!!!

                                   Kendrick & Takiah

                                   Kendrick & Takiah

Made For Marriage literally helped change my whole perspective on marriage, and how I would approach it as a man of God to my wife and family. I didn't have the best example from my parents on what God intended for marriage to be like. After our first meeting with them I noticed a major difference in how my wife and I responded to one another, and that made me want even more for my marriage. Having Earl and Nicole as a valuable resource, and extended family, helped me to grow so much in my communication towards my wife and the way I now express love. They approached every session with love and definitely challenged me to seek a godly marriage. Made for Marriage helped my wife and I set a great foundation for our marriage, that we my now build on and teach our children what marriage is really all about. I feel that the greatest thing to come out of it was my happy marriage that's only growing deeper. We are thankful for the relationship that we still have with Earl and Nicole now. We are approaching our 1 year anniversary, and we both believe wholeheartedly that if it had not been for Made For Marriage, we may have lost sight of the promises that God has for our marriage.