Meet The Mentors

We are Earl and Nicole Watson, Founders and Certified Marriage Mentors of Made For Marriage. After getting married reasonably young, like most couples, we stood before God, our family, and our friends with tremendous confidence and hope for a successful marriage. We went into marriage believing we had it somewhat figured out, but after a few rough years, we quickly noticed we were wrong. Our marriage struggled and was no longer working.

We were miserable, and daily we contemplated throwing in the towel. Our marriage suffered tremendously during the first couple of years due to infidelity, communication issues, financial hardships, offense, anger, and so much more. We couldn't have been more embarrassed or ashamed to seek help and godly counsel for many of the problems that kept us divided. It only left us with thoughts of divorce and ending our marriage. We had tried so hard to figure out how to restore our marriage quietly. Still, we quickly realized we had only made matters worse, and getting a divorce would most likely be our best option. But, as difficult as it was, we decided not to give up hope.

Through God's teaching, intense counseling, mentoring, unceasing prayer, and faithful accountability partners who desperately wanted to see us win, we committed to God, one another, and to improving our marriage. We believe there wasn't much we didn't deal with in our marriage. Still, we set out to do the work. We began to conquer some significant obstacles that many marriages struggle to navigate daily, and our marriage changed. We let God have complete authority over our hearts and marriage, and we started to see our purpose for being together as fulfilling, rewarding, and one that brought God glory. We’re encouraged and undoubtedly believe the same can happen for you.

If you're struggling in your marriage, we want you to know there's hope. Pray, seek God, and don't be intimidated to ask for help. Nicole and I want to see God revive the love and restore the passion you and your spouse had for one another and experience the marriage God has planned you for. We hope to mentor, support, and encourage you and other couples that every marriage can thrive if you're prepared to submit it to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Thank you in advance for considering Made For Marriage for your marriage mentoring. We’re so excited to walk this marriage journey with you.

Earl Is Co-Founder and President of Made For Marriage. He served as an Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care at Word of God Ministries in Shreveport, LA. for six years and has ministered to hundreds of couples. He is Marriage on the Rock Certified through Marriage Today with Jimmy Evans. He is a Facilitator of the leading relationship inventory and skill-building program nationally and internationally Prepare/Enrich. Earl also serves on the Board for Louisiana Adult & Teen Challenge and Destiny Christian Academy. He enjoys being a husband and father, building relationships, and serving others

Nicole embraces her role as a wife. Her home is her first ministry, considers it an honor to be a wife, mother, and Co-Founder and Vice President of Made For Marriage. She is committed to being the best example of a helper to her husband. She understands that every marriage falls on hard times. She wants to see men and women of God walk in their God-given purpose and allow Him to let their marriage set the example for future generations.